Filler games we are playing

Filler games we are playing

We love games that can take up an entire afternoon but sometimes time permits much less like lunch breaks or friends popping by for an hour. Here are some of our favourite casual games that not only do we sell, but they are proudly on our game shelf as well:

A fellow Singaporean created this card game by combining two of our favourite topics – space and puppies. Tulika from Toy Around launched and successfully funded her game on Kickstarter in August this year.

The aim of each player is to collect three packs of unique pups who will save one of the 14 planets currently in disarray. Action cards are there to help keep things interesting, allowing players to sabotage each other and boost their progress. Space Puppies is easy-to-learn, fast-to-play and a great filler game when our dog loving friends come over.


When we are in the mood for a horror themed party game, this Aussie designed game is at the top of our list.

There are 5 psycho killers in the deck and the weapons he uses to attack you. If someone draws a Psycho Killer they must play it in front of them, unless they can evade him. If they cannot, every player with a weapon card in their hand gets attacked.

Psycho killer looks great on the shelf with the VHS cassette tape box. Its easy to learn and the twists leaves you with a never safe feeling throughout.


Yikes … there is a minions version of exploding kittens. But we couldn’t resist those minions drawn in the distinctive Oatmeal comic style and had to try it. Needless to say, we enjoyed the game as it’s an improved version of the original. There are clone cards that can duplicate the effect of the last card played. This is the game we take out when kids are over but the adults say they love it as well.


Naturally, we have to include our in-house game Toxic People to play with our buddies. If your friends are working in a big company, they would appreciate the office humour of dealing with the bad boss, bullies, credit thieves, gossipers and the never-ending list of toxic characters in the workplace.

Our latest game was born out of a poker session where the ‘light bulb moment’ appeared with the idea of sabotaging each other’s winning hand. With the help of family, friends and gamers, we had lots of fun playtesting and developing Toxic People. The game is even customisable as you can choose the action cards that goes into play.

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